CVBTC Book Store

Does God Kill?

Does God KILL?

Exploring the Non-Violent Nature of God
What we believe about God has an impact on how we live. It will shape how we raise our children, treat our spouses, deal with strangers, engage with coworkers, and carry out our ministry to the Lord and others. Therefore, this study is extremely significant. We believe that after completing this study, you will love God and your Bible even more, and that while you will continue to fear (reverence/worship) God, you will no longer be afraid of Him because you will realize that He is a loving God who is exactly like Jesus. And you will yearn to be just like Him

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God's Promises

God's Promises

Wonderful Things that God Wills to Do for You
Is it God’s will to heal me? Is it God’s will to save everyone? Is it God’s will to give me a spouse? Can God protect me? Will He help me with my financial difficulties? Will He answer my prayers? Will He truly forgive me for my life of sin? Will He save my children? Does God work miracles today? I am depressed and discouraged: Does God really care and will He truly help me through this? As we discover and reflect on God’s promises, these and many other questions are clarified.

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Hints and Helps to Bible Interpretation

Hints and Helps to Bible Interpretation

Dr. Robert Young
Originally an appendix in his Analytical Concordance, Dr. Young's "Hints and Helps" was in great demand because of his insights into what has been called the Hebrew “permissive sense” of Scripture. We now provide it as a standalone book. We also include additional explanations of Dr. Young’s and his contemporaries’ views on the “permissive sense” that were not contained in his “Hints and Helps” appendix.

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the flood of Noah

What About the Flood of Noah

A Unique Perspective in Relation to God's Character of Love
Some question God's goodness and benevolence due to the flood that came during Noah's time. In these lessons, we will learn the following: * God did everything to save mankind during the flood but they rejected Him.
* God actually protected men from the flooding waters until man asked God to depart from them.
* The flood did not come as a result of God's omnipotent power. It was His omnipotent power that kept the flood from coming.
* The flood was the result of sin and men actually brought destruction upon themselves.
* In Scripture, God is often said to do the thing He only permitted. We will learn how this truth applies to the flood.

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Does God Destroy?


A fresh understanding of God's character
Using the Bible itself, as well as insights from scholars from various theological backgrounds, this book will show how one can interpret texts that depict God as a destroyer and demonstrate that God does not literally engage in destructive action. Our life will be impacted by what we believe about God. This work is therefore of utmost significance. After finishing this study, we think you’ll love God and your Bible even more.

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Understanding Hebrew Idiomatic & Figurative Language

Understanding Hebrew Idiomatic & Figurative Language

To Vindicate the Loving Character of God
Some argue that the Bible teaches that God is hateful, jealous, anrgy, vindictive, easily provoked, a tempter, and a punisher of descendants for the sinful behavior of their ancestors. Sadly, some have reached these incorrect conclusions because they were unable to appreciate the figurative and idiomatic language of Scripture. This book, “Understanding Hebrew Idiomatic & Figurative Language,” teaches us how portrayals of God, when examined from the perspective of the Ancient Near Eastern culture from which Scripture was written, give us a truly stunning image of the God who is exactly like Jesus.

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The Hebrew Idiom of Permission

The Hebrew Idiom of Permission

We appropriately recognize Scripture as God's written Word. Why then is there such a lack of clarity on the God that this book is supposed to reveal to? Why does He claim to be good, compassionate, and merciful while He is accused of hardening hearts, tempting people, causing sickness and accidents, etc. in so many other places? It arises from our failure to accurately apply the "idiom of permission." In this book, Pastor Troy J. Edwards provides the scholarly evidence that the Bible uses the idiom of permission frequently, and he discusses how the application of this idiom will resolve many issues related to our understanding of God's character.

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The Permissive Sense

The Permissive Sense

Hints and Helps to Bible Interpretation that Vindicates God’s Character of Love
One does not have to read too far into the Bible to find that it says that God hardens hearts, puts lying spirits in the mouth of false prophets, blinds, people to the truth, inflicts sickness, creates evil, and more perplexing things. Failure to understand these statements have led to doctrines that paint God in less than a favorable light. However, when we understand the permissive sense, these difficulties will disappear. This book will help you understand this important principle and will remove all doubt about God’s love, goodness, and holiness.

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Job and the Misrepresentation of God's Character

Job and the Misrepresentation of God's Character

Does God test His people using sickness, tragedy, & death?
Many approach the book of Job with a number of presuppositions such as God desiring to test Job's faithfulness, controlling the actions of the devil, and that God just might make you the next Job. These presuppositions demonstrate a failure to study the book of Job in the light of the full revelation of Father God found in Jesus Christ. Hence, Job is misused to present God as a capricious deity. In this book we will learn how a proper study of Job shows us that Satan's plan was to discredit both God and Job. We will learn that God did not instigate Job's trials, but showed the patriarch compassion by delivering him from the designs of Satan against him.

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The God of the Blank Check

The God of the Blank Check (Revised Edition)

A Study of God's "I Am" Names
In this study, we will learn about the riches God has placed in our Heavenly bank account through His "I am" Name. Your faith will soar as you learn about the God who is willing to meet every need and godly desire of His children. Your excitement will increase as you understand that His "I am" promises are guaranteed through our Lord Jesus Christ.

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does God send sickness?

Does God Send Sickness? (Revised Edition)

Vindicating God’s character concerning sickness and disease.
God has been taking the blame for sickness and disease for centuries. This book will look at some difficult Bible passages in light of the permissive idiom of the ancient Hebrew language, in which God is often said to do the things that He merely allowed or permitted to happen. Those passages in both the Old and New Testaments that make God appear to be a cold and cruel dispenser of sickness and disease will be seen in a new light.

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The Wrath of God

The Wrath of God

What It Is and How It Is Executed
God has been misrepresented by both His "followers" and His enemies. Most of the misrepresentation centers around the Biblical phrase, "the wrath of God". This misrepresentation is due to the failure of both "defenders" and "detractors" of God to thoroughly study Scripture’s teaching on this subject. In this book we show the reader that as we allow Scripture to interpret itself we will find that God’s wrath does not equate to the angry destructive being that He is often portrayed to be nor does His wrath eliminate His love. The reader will learn that Scripture presents a consistent picture of a loving God trying to save mankind from the destructive power of our own sins.

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Bible Principle of Accommodation

The Bible Principle of Accommodation

Why God Permitted Divorce, Capital Punishment, Slavery, War, etc.
God needed a nation on the earth that He could work through in order to bring about man’s redemption. However, His chosen people, Israel, were strongly influenced by pagan thinking. Therefore, God had to accommodate their pagan thinking and regulate it to minimize its harmful effects. The principle of accommodation is a Bible interpretation principle that helps us to understand why certain things in Scripture were commanded or permitted, things that God did not endorse but only tolerated for a period of time.

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Is the Future Set in Stone?

Is the Future Set in Stone?

A Biblical study of God's relation to time and knowledge of the future
God knows all things and there is nothing that is hidden from Him. Therefore, if the future is already in existence and is a settled reality then there is no doubt that God knows it exhaustively. Yet, what if the future does not exist as the past did and the present currently does? Is it necessary for an omniscient God to have exhaustive knowledge of a non-existent entity?
In his book, "Is the Future Set in Stone," Pastor Troy J. Edwards presents a thorough examination of the Scriptures, revealing the fact that the future is NOT in existence until it happens. This truth is important to understanding why God is by no means responsible for the fall of devils, men and the the horrendous evil on the earth. You will also see how God works with His free-will creatures to shape the future and bring it about.

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God Didn't Do It

God Didn't Do It

We hear the religious clichés quite often: “God is in control,” “God took my child,” “God’s ways are mysterious, His wonders to perform,” and other statements attributing life’s hardships to God.
God has been falsely accused of doing things that He actually hates. In this short book we use the Bible, God’s own written Word, to set the record straight concerning His involvement in the harsh realities of life. When you have finished reading this book, you will no longer blame God for the difficulties you encounter and you will be able to point others to a loving kind God who is for us and not against us.

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The Lord

The Lord "Sent" It

Understanding what the Bible Means when it says that God sent sickness, disaster, evil spirits, deception, etc.
There are numerous places in Scripture where God says that He will “send” or is said to have “sent” a disaster, a plague, pestilence, delusion, an evil spirit, a cruel and ruthless enemy army, ferocious man-eating wild animals, and other harsh judgments. However, an often neglected principle of Bible interpretation is found in the statement that "God is said to 'send' or to 'have sent' that which He merely did not prevent or hinder." When we understand this truth then we get a better picture of the God who is exactly like Jesus Christ.

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Untying God's Nots

Untying God's "Nots"

Or, How Much Control Does God Really Have?
A common phrase used by many Christians, particularly when there is some tragic event, is that “God is in control”. Many people mean different things by the statement, however, the majority of those who use the statement believe that God initiated the tragic event and had a secret mysterious plan to bring some unknown good from it. This book looks at a number of arguments and Scriptures used by proponents of this teaching and show the reader that it does not line up with the Bible’s teaching about God.

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Stop Blaming God for the Work of the Enemy

Stop Blaming God

For the Work of the Enemy
Satan is a slanderer who has deceived men into falsely blaming God for his own works. Sadly, the majority of Christians have bought into his deceptions and denigrate God’s character in their sermons and Bible studies. In this study we will examine several areas in which God is always getting the blame, even from His own children, and show the reader that Scripture actually points to Satan as the culprit. Once we have learned this truth then we will learn how to walk in victory over all satanic circumstances.

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How? A look at God's character


A look at God's character in light of Biblical passages that are inconsistent with love.
In this book, How? We will look at a number of God’s acts recorded in the Bible, those acts that upon a superficial reading of Scripture, paint Him as malicious, harsh, hypocritical and in some cases, worse than the humans whose sin He punishes. Hopefully when you see the explanations that the Word of God itself offers you will see the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ in a new light.

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Why? A Biblical Explanation for Evil


A Biblical Explanation for Evil.
In this book we want to prove to the reader that the Bible offers a satisfactory answer to the “why” questions many have in relation to an omnipotent but good God in contrast to the rampant heart-breaking evil we see in our world. We believe that the answers we provide in this book are enough to vindicate God’s goodness and justice in the light of evil. We also believe that this book will help you to see a picture of a loving God who never planned any of this evil and pain.

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God is said to do what He only permits

God is Said to do that which He Only Permits

Exploring a Neglected Principle of Bible Interpretation that Vindicates God's Character
In this book we study one of the most neglected truths which is “the permission idiom” in which God is said to be the cause of that which He merely allowed, permitted or did not prevent from happening. Neglect of this idiom has led to much misunderstanding about God and the Bible. This book will help you see God as light with no darkness in Him (1 John 1:5).

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Vindicating God: A Unique Devotional

Vindicating God

A unique daily devotional that defends God against false accusations made against Him
There are sincere worshippers of Christ who love Him dearly but are quite ignorant of how to deal with difficult passages in the Bible that might be used by God’s enemies to paint a false picture of Him. Many remain confused as to how to deal with passages that seem to go against what they know by their experience is a loving God. I believe that these daily devotions can assist believers in this endeavor.

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Praying in line with God's Promises

Praying in Line with God's Promises

Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises (2 Pet. 1:4a)
God’s promises are available to every child of God but if they do not learn to appropriate them by faith and prayer, they will never be utilized. In this book you will learn:
  • How God’s Promises are guaranteed to every believer.
  • How vitally important faith and prayer is to obtaining these promises.
  • How to pray God's promises to overcome problems.

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Divine Healing: Guaranteed

Divine Healing: Guaranteed

God's Willingness and Power to Heal Today
In this book, Pastor and teacher Troy Edwards shows you from the Scriptures that God is not only able and willing to heal His children, but has provided covenant promises that guarantee His intervention when they are claimed in faith. Furthermore, the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus has purchased our healing, further guaranteeing its fulfillment in our lives as we look to Him.

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Basics for Believer's Bible Studies

Basics for Believers Bible Studies

Building a solid foundation on Biblical Truth
Many people who make a decision for Christ do not remain in Him. Why are so many backsliding and falling away? Why is it that for many, a decision to make Christ their Lord and Savior does not result in a changed life? Pastor and teacher Troy Edwards believes that it is due to our failure to disciple new believers and teach them the BASICS – the foundational truths needed to empower us to live victorious Christian lives.

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The Tempter

The Tempter

His Tactics and How to Take Him Out
The enemy of God and man has been known by a number of titles: Satan (adversary), Devil (slanderer), accuser, afflicter, serpent, dragon, Beelzebub, murderer, deceiver, liar, etc. However, his most significant role concerning mankind has been that of the Tempter.In The Tempter: His Tactics and How to Take Him Out, Pastor, Teacher and author Troy J. Edwards takes you through the Scriptures and exposes the Tempter’s sinister and crafty attacks on man.

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Miracles are for Today

Miracles Are For Today

Confronting the Powerless Gospel with God's Word
For centuries the place of miracles in the church has been debated. This controversy remains in our day. Numerous views and theological positions are advocated in defense or rejection of miracles for today. In this book, we refute the idea that God's miracles are only for a past generation and explains from Scripture how God's people can experience frequent miracles in their corporate worship as well as within their personal lives.

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God's Word: Devil Destruction Power

Using God's Word to Dfeat the Enemy
Having problems with the devil? In this book you will learn how to use God’s Word to destroy the works of the devil in your life and in your family. Many questions are answered such as:

  • Who is behind the trials in life: God or Satan?
  • Why did Jesus have to suffer so much in order to save us?
  • Why is it necessary to know and use the Word of God to win battles against Satan?
  • Why does Satan have to yield to God’s Word?

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